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Venus in Leo Horoscopes

Jun 26, 2023Jun 26, 2023

Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and connection, will journey through Leo from June 5th to October 8th, 2023. Venus in Leo turns heads. Dresses loudly. Claims space. Venus in Leo is all about loving boldly and loving on purpose. Playing boldly and playing on purpose. For Venus in Leo, pleasure is a ritual, a right, and a rite.

Venus normally only spends a few weeks in each sign, so this four-month detour is unusual for the planet of pleasure. We have Venus’ upcoming retrograde to thank for such an extended stay. Venus stations retrograde every 18 months, and this year, that retrograde will unfold between July 22nd and September 3rd. During this time, Venus will urge each of us to identify a pattern, habit, or narrative around love, intimacy, pleasure, or beauty that we are ready to reclaim, retrieve, or heal.

Venus retrogrades require that we peer inward. Investigate how your relationships mirror the past parts of you that have felt loved or unloved, nurtured or neglected. Sure, this kind of work can feel like a buzz kill sometimes — especially because Venus in Leo is so playful at heart. But it also offers the medicine that will help your heart regenerate after past aches.

Your Venus in Leo horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or Thank you for your support and for spreading this work around. We really appreciate it — and you.

The following horoscopes were written by Sarina Romero.

For you, Venus in Leo wants to get the party started. Leo is the part of your chart that relates to fun, pleasure, creativity, and children. Over the next few weeks and months, nurture your creative hatchlings — whether that means writing love songs, collaging a card for your BFF, or performing a monologue on stage.

And you better take advantage of every opportunity to play dress-up. Your friend's birthday party? Face glitter! Babysitting gig? Pull out the costume trunk! Your inner child is demanding to be adored and adorned.

When Venus stations retrograde on July 22nd, identify a habit, creative practice, or narrative around your pleasure you are ready to reclaim. Then track what observations, circumstances, and ideas show up during this time. As Venus descends and reemerges from the retrograde underworld, your relationship with your creativity and pleasure will deepen, too.

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As Venus enters Leo, the foundations of your life get infused with pleasure and connection. Over the next few months, tap into the ways your home base restores your radiance. Adorn your space with wildflowers. Light wands of incense in every room. Scavenge your local thrift shops to find new trinkets, treasures, and comforts.

Starting July 22nd, Venus’ retrograde will draw you to sift through deeply rooted beliefs around love that you encountered in your family of origin or childhood. This is an opportunity to re-parent yourself and reclaim your agency around the kind of love and pleasure you want to nurture.

Freedom from the past doesn't mean a rejection of it — not if you don't want it to. The first step is to ask your past self what they need to feel witnessed or listened to. Maybe that involves therapy. Maybe it involves talking to loved ones, or writing a list of worries in your diary, followed by a list of reasons those fears don't have the whole picture.

Or maybe it's glow-in-the-dark wall paint. Only you can know.

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As Venus enters Leo, your daily world gets a glow-up. Yes, your day-to-day includes chores, to-dos, and commutes. But who said those activities can't support your inner shine? Dress up to go to the grocery store. Wipe the counters with bravado. Chat with neighbors. Whatever you pour your attention into will catch your sparkle.

Venus’ retrograde is an opportunity to reclaim your relationship with your daily schedule, as well as your communication with others. Reconnect with your younger self and ask them what they’d like to do, or say. Write ironic love poetry. Send a postcard to a faraway friend. Take a "personal day" off work and visit your local museum or gallery.

But remember you can weave delight into your days without ditching work too. Adding a mid-morning meditation session, taking your lunch al-fresco, or adorning your desk with fresh flowers are all rituals that will shift your relationship with your daily world, and your daily mood, over time.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that's impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.

When Venus enters Leo, it launches a four-month foray into your relationship with your resources, your talents, and your worth. It starts with a pep talk. Think of Venus in Leo as your personal money witch, prodding you to make the most of the resources you have.

Closet violin player? Why not take your orchestra-of-one on the road, or the nearest street corner. Web wizard who codes all your friends’ websites for free? Get them to write testimonials about how skillful you are, post them on your own website, and start charging.

Venus’ retrograde between July 22nd and September 3rd will force you to reckon with the ways you resist taking your worth seriously. Often, we inherit beliefs around money from our caregivers. It's up to you now to choose which of those beliefs you want to keep subscribing to. You’ll grow your glow, and your piggy bank, in the process.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that's impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.

As Venus enters Leo, your personal world gets infused with pleasure and connection. Wherever you dedicate your attention, honey will follow. Reach out to the people you’re drawn to. Spend time with your projects. Take an impromptu bath with revitalizing oils and sliced oranges or lemons. No, all this delight isn't a fluke, and yes, you are beyond worthy to soak it all up.

Venus’ retrograde in Leo is a personal one for you. As the planet of love ventures into its underworld retrograde journey, you are urged to sift through limiting beliefs around your worthiness or self-esteem. This is an opportunity to reclaim the parts of your own heart that have been rejected by you in the past. And to retrieve the practices and habits that connect you to your confidence.

As you get back in touch with yourself, your desire for freedom turns up a few notches. Try not to run away from any discomfort this may bring up for you. If you’re feeling itchy for more independence at work, pay attention to what's at the root of that restlessness. Making room for your desires is an act of self-care and self-honor. Remember, Venus is on your side right now. There's no way to get this wrong.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that's impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.

As Venus enters Leo, your inner world finds more ease. Though the effects may be subtle, you’re reconnecting to the ways emotional processing and alone time can also include sweetness. So take a nap or a bath. Write a letter to your past self and tell them everything you admire about them.

If you have any fears around intimacy or commitment, Venus’ retrograde brings them up for review starting July 22nd. This is a time to probe into the parts of you that sometimes turn away from pleasure, closeness, or love. If that work doesn't scream fun to you — it might not be. But this retrograde offers a potent reset in how you approach relationships of all stripes, including the one with yourself.

At the end of this journey? A revitalized connection to love, desire, and all the things in life that quicken your pulse and inspire the good kind of goosebumps.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that's impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.

As Venus enters Leo, you remember the connection and delight woven into your friendships. Mutual reciprocity is in the air, so reach out and confirm plans. Whether you’re watching a movie, waxing your surfboards, or chit-chatting over tea, being together brings sweetness to your life.

Starting July 22nd, Venus’ retrograde nudges you to reach out to old friends you may have fallen out of touch with and to reconnect with your younger self. Doing so acts as a homing device, drawing in the connections with others that feel resonant for you.

Like a positive feedback loop, the more you honor your own needs and desires, the more you can offer your full self to your friendships. Bear in mind that Venus retrogrades can have us feeling more introverted than usual, so honor that impulse when it arises between July and September. You don't have to say yes to every invite. And practicing "no" is actually great medicine for you.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that's impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.

As Venus enters Leo, your public-facing world gets infused with pleasure and connection. So, reach out to the coworkers you love to collaborate with. Wear your snazziest office attire, even at home. (Shoulder pads optional, but encouraged.) Place a fresh flower or two at your desk.

This Venus retrograde is an opportunity to reclaim the parts of you that yearn to shine in your professional and public spheres. It's also an opportunity to accept your limits, and the fact that what you do or don't do during a work day has many variables, from hormones to morning-traffic-induced frustration, to how much sleep you got the night before.

Most of all this retrograde is about learning to validate your own progress and success. Your boss probably won't give you a gold star for meeting your deadlines, but the great news is — you can absolutely bestow heaps of gold stars upon yourself.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that's impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.

As Venus enters Leo, you reconnect with the fact that your desire for learning and exploration are integral to who you are. The more you honor your natural proclivity for expansion, the more satiated you will feel in your everyday life.

Of course, expansion takes many forms. It can mean working remotely from a hostel on the other side of the world. It can mean granting yourself permission to spelunk the rabbit holes that call you — whether that's astrology, post-colonial theory, or neuroscience.

It can also mean a date with a candle, incense, and your tarot deck. This is about connecting with something larger than you, and there is no limit to how that takes shape.

Venus’ retrograde will offer a time to disentangle yourself from any outgrown beliefs or stories you carry around feeling deserving of freedom. It's time to give your roving nature a little air time. Ask your inner wild one where they want to go.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that's impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.

As Venus enters Leo, all the ways you collaborate with others get infused with extra honey. Giving and receiving require trust, and trust demands vulnerability. So reconnect with your business partners. Pin down the date for a clothing swap. Exchange massages with a dear one.

From July 22nd, when Venus is retrograde, identify what parts of you keep you from co-creating with others. And get to know those parts. When you swap out judgment for curiosity, you can begin to disentangle yourself from the narratives that encourage you to build walls around your heart.

If a scarcity mindset snags your efforts, do the math. If there's enough to go around, remind yourself of that. Write sticky notes-to-self on the wall or bathroom mirror. If you have reason to feel edgy — because you don't trust the person you’re sharing with, or because resources are looking scarce — that's important information too.

What further fundraising efforts can you do, and how can they be part of your collaboration? And is this someone you want to join forces with after all? The answer might be yes, but it doesn't have to be.

Above all, Venus in Leo helps you recognize your own worth (hint: you can't put a price tag on it), and all the ways your life can be enriched by sharing delights with chosen others. Remember: you’re the one who gets to do the choosing.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that's impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.

As Venus enters Leo, your relationships — including those with your BFFs, business partners, and beloveds — get infused with extra connection, satisfaction, and delight. All this honey is yours for the taking, so pencil in quality time together.

But Venus in Leo comes bearing homework too. Starting July 22nd, identify any narratives you hold around pleasure, intimacy, or commitment that meddle with your happiness in 1:1 dynamics. Those narratives may sound something like, "I need to stay with this person forever because I said I would," or they may sound more like, "I’ll never find love."

Start questioning and shedding these myths. As you do so, get curious about the parts of your heart you’re ready to retrieve, or draw out from the walls you have built around it.

Anytime the tectonic plates of our lives readjust can be uncomfortable. But you will come out the other side feeling more empowered to claim your pleasure, say yes only when you mean it, and to prioritize what feels good for you.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that's impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.

As Venus enters Leo, you receive a boost of support that integrates more ease into your work and wellness habits. The secret to soaking up all this honey? Prioritizing the routine choices that make you feel special. Sign up for the dance or meditation class. Luxuriate with a book in the morning. Don your most daring work attire — animal prints welcome.

Venus’ retrograde is an opportunity to sift through your relationship to discipline, effort, and rest. And to locate the moments you feel you haven't "earned" a break. Your worthiness is not wrapped up with how many tasks you tick off your to-do list. And you are not wrong for resting. Quite the opposite.

This is an opportunity to get to know the parts of you that may have been told certain stories about work and worthiness. If affirmation from past authority figures made you feel safe and accepted before — great. But it's not the only way you can access those feelings.

Here's the thing: it's much easier to accept yourself when everyone around you is showering praise upon your efforts. It's a lot harder — and frankly, more important — to accept yourself when they offer criticism, or when no one seems to notice your wins.

So what is one thing you can do for yourself to thank your body and mind for all your labors? Maybe it's buying yourself a bouquet of flowers, or taking a long lunch, or a bath at the end of the day. But this thank you gift to self is overdue.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that's impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.

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