Home / News / Why You Should Put Shaving Cream on Your Bathroom Mirror

Why You Should Put Shaving Cream on Your Bathroom Mirror

Jul 04, 2023Jul 04, 2023

Stacey Koziel is a news writer at LifeSavvy. She's worked as a freelance writer for over ten years, focusing on family and lifestyle content. She also has a background in marketing and social media, and is always eager to talk (and write!) about the latest TikTok trends. Read more...

Putting shaving cream on the bathroom mirror might seem like something a troublemaking toddler does when they’re left alone. But, shaving cream on the mirror isn't about just making messes—and it definitely isn't just for kids.

Putting shaving cream on your bathroom mirror can actually keep it fog-free, so you don't have to worry about things getting too steamy after a hot shower.

The last thing you want to do is wipe down your mirror every time you step out of the shower to start your daily routine. Trying to clean your mirror with your hand or a towel can leave a streaky mess behind. Shaving cream could be the answer.

Grab some cloths and get to buffing.


Shaving cream is a surfactant. That means it helps to prevent condensation particles from sticking to the glass of your mirror. No condensation means no fog and no wet mirror every time you shower.

All you have to do is place a small amount of shaving cream on your mirror. A dollop will do. You don't need a thick layer since you’re just going to take it off. Then, wipe and buff with a cloth, and you’re good to go!

Depending on how often you shower and whether there's any ventilation in the room, you can expect this cleaning hack to last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

But, if you’re tired of a foggy mirror each time you step out of the shower, consider adding this trick to your bathroom cleaning routine.

Stacey Koziel