Home / News / Families urged to use water efficiently to save money on energy bills

Families urged to use water efficiently to save money on energy bills

Aug 31, 2023Aug 31, 2023

Tuesday 6th June 2023 Bath Echo News Team Community

Research has found that almost half of people aren't aware of the amount of gas, electricity or oil used to heat water in their homes.

Only 49% of people surveyed by WaterSafe, the UK's register for approved plumbers, knew energy used to heat water for washing, cooking and cleaning makes up a third of energy bills.

Around 60% of people said they would make a conscious effort to save water if they knew they could save on bills and reduce their carbon footprint.

Small changes can all add up to making a big difference in using hot water more efficiently, including:

Households on a water meter who are billed for the amount of water they use will also make savings on their water and wastewater bills.

WaterSafe is the national register of qualified, approved contractors, supported by all UK water companies and the drinking water regulators.

Julie Spinks, Director of WaterSafe, said: "With so many people struggling to make ends meet, it's important to understand the link between using water more efficiently to help keep metered bills as low as possible.

"All WaterSafe-approved plumbers are trained in the water regulations and can advise on how to avoid wasting water.

"While we want to do all we can to support households to reduce the water they waste, it's important to say we’re not trying to restrict use.

"There's lots of info on our website and I would also recommend contacting your local water company to see if they give away water-saving products for free."