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Reddit Boyfriend Shames Girlfriend Over Period Pads

Sep 11, 2023Sep 11, 2023

"He knew they were the packaging for my pads because he had seen them before, and quite outraged, he asked whether my used pads were also in that bag. I told him yes, and he dropped the bag, calling me disgusting and telling me to take out the trash myself."

BuzzFeed Staff

"Imagine being 23 and throwing a tantrum 'cause your girlfriend put trash in a trash can, simply embarrassing for him."


"He is too immature to date; he's not ready for a relationship with a woman. What would happen if you unexpectedly started your period during sex? Is he going to yell and gag or reassure you that a shower can fix it? He's not the one, not for you, and not for anyone until he learns to be more accepting of bodies."


"He doesn't want your blood all over his trash? How ridiculous. Was he planning to frame it and hang it on the wall or something? And the suggestion that you keep them in your purse for days on end is disgusting, in addition to being bizarre and deeply selfish. You disposed of your pads in a reasonable, tidy manner that didn't create any new or inconvenient mess for him to clean up — he was going to take that trash out anyway."


"Your bf didn't want period blood all over his TRASH?!?!? Seriously??? How special is his trash? Does he dig through it with his tongue while blindfolded? So he can't even fathom the idea of blood in the trash (keep him away from hospitals), but wants you to keep it in your PURSE?!?"


"He is absolutely right, you need to take out your trash. That includes this boyfriend. Make sure he's in a plastic bag so he doesn't come into contact with the reality of women and get scared."


"Run now. You do not want to marry this man who thinks a natural function is so gross but then insists you carry used pads in your purse. That would be gross. Is he 12? Because he's acting 12. Run."
