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Ella’s Bubbles

Nov 03, 2023Nov 03, 2023

Promoted Content 11 July 2022

The world is aging rapidly, with companies instilling technological advances and innovative means to accommodate the ever-evolving personal preferences of their customer base.

Industries are making changes to their business and portfolio models to ensure that they are accurately resonating with their clientele's needs and wants. However, with attentive focus toward the changing needs of the majority, the extreme needs of the minorities often become overlooked. While striving to better the future for upcoming generations, it is important to not forget the needs of those who have already exhausted their lifetime striving to better our present. One company that understands the needs of all customers, regardless of age or body type - is Ella's Bubbles. Their focus toward elderly and mobility challenges offers peace and comfort to a minority audience, in an industry that is often looked over by corporate entities.

Senior citizens are often thought to be overbearing or needy by the younger generation. The true reality is that society has reached heights it enjoys today, which is at an evolved expectation for senior citizens. With the increase in age, a person is faced with many new challenges and difficulties related to overall mobility, mental state, and health. Time waits for no one. This statement is true in the sense that youth is fragile, and aging is inevitable. Another chance to seize opportunity from ones youth will not be possible once the moment has passed. One of the most commonly observed difficulties for elderly is the performance of physical tasks. Activities such as walking, getting up from bed, grooming oneself, and in Ella's Bubbles category - bathing - becomes harder as an individual continues to age. Ella's Bubbles is a company that took avid notice of such problems and decided to pioneer a solution to ease difficulty within current society, by accommodating the hygienic and limited mobility needs for the elderly demographic. Their acrylic Walk-In Bathtubs are designed to reduce risks of slips and falls, provide convenience and comfort, while relieving pain and evoking a sense of independence for a happier and healthier life.

A walk-in bathtub is a revolutionary idea designed with focus toward the needs of the elderly, mobility disabled, or those striving for added bathroom diversity and convenience. This new breed of bathtub differs from typical styles with its unique structural design. A walk-in bathtub contains a deep cut-out for an attached waterproof door. This allows the user to enter the tub through a low threshold step-in, accompanied by any type of mobility assistance devices, such as a wheelchair or crutches. Walk-in bathtubs include a strategical design from the the seat to the therapy jetting positioning, expanding upon the convenience and comfort it is intended for.

Ella's Bubbles was launched in 2005 and is based in Chicago, Illinois. The current success of the company can be attributed to the whole-hearted and unyielding efforts of Laimonis Magone (CEO), Laima Magone (CFO), and Tanner Tattini (CMO). The founding authorities of Ella's Bubbles were deeply influenced by a statement from the industry leader of the automobile world, Ford. During an interview, Ford rightfully acknowledged the need for strong businesses to actively contribute and fulfill their social responsibilities. From the get-go, their goal was to provide empowerment to the elderly and mobility challenged by allowing them to execute their hygienic activities safely and independently.

The struggle to face consistent difficulties daily can often become mentally straining, and lead to hostility or depression. For senior citizens, depression or tension can arise when independence is slowly becoming more difficult. A person who could once do everything by themselves is suddenly forced to be dependent. This drastic change instills exponential strain and an overall decrease of positivity in an individuals life. Ella's Bubbles hopes to bring back the feeling of self-independence by offering additional security while bathing, all in a more comfortable, relaxing, and rejuvenating manner than a typical bath. Performing hygienic activities is a basic need and requirement for every human being, and publicly cleaning oneself can be morally degrading. Ella's Bubbles helps improve the mental state of elderly and the physically challenged through their innovative walk-in bathtub designs. Their first product, ‘the special Ella Transfer Walk-In Tub,’ was developed to accommodate the needs of those who are wheelchair handicapped or have weak muscles causing physical limitations. The key feature of this product is the L-shaped outward swing door. This allows for an easy transition from a wheelchair to a strategically designed comfortable acrylic chair with minimum or no supervision. This allows many to bathe with little to no support; an experience that many senior citizens could not feel in the past. The release of this product marked an expedited rise to greater heights for Ella's Bubbles.

Ella's Bubbles has enjoyed much recognition from the senior clientele and other client bases since their launch in 2005. As word spread about the uses of their prized 28+ product portfolio, people of all ages wanted to make Ella's Bubble's walk-in tubs a part of their bathrooms. The company became a highly coveted brand name with respect to the relaxation and accessibility their products provide. The company continues to climb higher to success as they release new innovative products year to year.

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